
For more information: Church Institute for Research and Advanced Training,

Baptism survey 2019

Conducted by the Church Research Institute, the baptism survey explored various factors affecting the baptism decision. The target group comprised slightly over 1,000 parents to children under school age.

To the visualization Baptism survey 2019The link opens in a new tab (in Finnish).

Church membership in 2018

Time series on Church membership in 2018. The membership statistics are based on the National Church Council’s membership data system, Kirjuri, which provides current information on those registered as present in the Church. 

To the visualization Church membership in 2018The link opens in a new tab (in Finnish).

Church membership in 2015 and 2016

The graphics on Church membership in 2015 and 2016 illustrate the development of the membership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland nationwide and by parish in 2015 and 2016.  In addition, the background profiles of those joining or leaving the Church in Finland are outlined.

The membership statistics are based on the National Church Council’s membership data system, Kirjuri, which provides current information on those registered as present in the Church.

To the visualization Church membership in 2015 and 2016The link opens in a new tab The link opens in a new tab(in Finnish).

Church attendance in Finland

In order to realise the Church’s task, it is the duty of parishes to conduct worship services, administer baptism, Communion and other religious rites, and to preach and carry out other services based on the Gospel message, as provided in the Church Act (Kirkkolaki 1054/1993, Section 4, Paragraph 1). Worship services shall also be conducted on Church holidays, including Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Epiphany, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Whit Sunday, Midsummer Day and All Saints’ Day (Kirkkolaki 1054/1993, Section 4, Paragraph 3).

The graphics illustrate church attendance in 2015 in terms of general parish activities, worship services, religious ceremonies and other parish events within the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.

To the visualization Church attendance in FinlandThe link opens in a new tab (in Finnish).

How well do people in Finland know the Lutheran faith?

Martin Luther published his 95 theses on 31 October 1517. This event sparked the Reformation movement, and in 2017, the Reformation Jubilee was celebrated worldwide to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.  In Finland, the jubilee year started on 31 October 2016.

In October 2016, the Church Research Institute commissioned a survey to investigate how well people in Finland know the essential features of the Lutheran faith.  The survey was conducted as an online questionnaire through the consumer panel YouGov Finland during 14–17 October 2016, and responses were obtained from a total of 1,003 individuals.  The graphics illustrate the knowledge of the focal points of Lutheran Reformation among the Finnish population.

To the visualization How well do people in Finland know the Lutheran faith?The link opens in a new tab (in Finnish).

Expectations for the Church

To which issues should the Church take a stand? Whom should the Church defend? In what direction should the Church develop its activities and life?

Opinions concerning Church activities and life are numerous and varying. The direction of the Church is not a matter that could be solved by an acclamation vote. Rather, it is the decision-making bodies with representatives elected by the members of the Church that will provide a contemporary interpretation of the Church’s doctrine, and make decisions on the allocation of time and money within the Church.

In autumn 2015, a questionnaire survey was conducted to explore the expectations for the Church among the population in Finland.  The graphics present the respondents’ attitudes in terms of the given statements concerning the life and activities of the Church. The statements are thematically divided into five groups. The results can be reviewed against the given background variables.

To the visualization Expectations for the ChurchThe link opens in a new tab (in Finnish).

Church and State interrelations

The Church is engaged in active collaboration with various social institutions. The role and visibility in society of the Church and other religious communities is subject to ongoing discussion. The discussion concerns both positive and negative freedom of religion.

The graphics provide an overview of the views held by the Church employees and elected persons of trust concerning issues such as the social tasks of the Church, the equality of religious communities, the religious education at schools, and the realisation of religious freedom.

To the visualization Church and State interrelationsThe link opens in a new tab (in Finnish). 

Right to officiate marriage

In March 2017, the gender-neutral Marriage Act entered into force, which allows for the marriage of same-sex couples in Finland. The amendment to the Act has induced discussion on how the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland should respond to the new legal situation. The change of the law as such has no direct impact on church weddings, but rather, it is up to the Church itself to decide whether or not to make any changes to its marriage practice.

In April 2017, a questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the attitudes among the Finnish population concerning the right of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland to officiate marriage. The Church Research Institute commissioned Taloustutkimus Oy to conduct the survey. The material was collected through the Internet panel of Taloustutkimus, and responses were acquired from 1,282 persons. The material was weighted to represent the adult population of Finland (excluding Åland).

To the visualization Right to officiate marriageThe link opens in a new tab (in Finnish).