Grants Rules

  1. Grants are awarded annually from allocated sums by the Church Institute for Research and Advanced Training for research into the changes in the church and religious life and society required for decision making and the development of the activities of the church and its various parishes. They are awarded for research costs and research trips abroad and as a personal grant for the period during which the recipient is required to undertake their research on a full-time basis. If the applicant is a postgraduate student, their right to conduct postgraduate studies must be valid on the closing date of the application period.

  1. The working group on grants of the Church Institute for Research and Advanced Training prepares a proposal for the allocation of grants based on the applications received. Decisions on the grants to be awarded are made by the National Church Council’s cabinet.

  1. Grant awards are announced in the autumn. The application must be accompanied by a detailed research plan. The electronic application system is used for grant applications.

  1. In exceptional circumstances the Director of the Church Institute for Research and Advanced Training may decide to award grants for current assignments at other times. Furthermore, grant applications for foreign research trips are not tied to the actual application period.

  1. The grant recipient must support a written report on the progress of the research and the use of the grant by 31 January of the year after the award of the grant. At other times the grant recipient is required to furnish the Director of the Church Institute for Research and Advanced Training on request with information on the progress of the research. The grant recipient submits their report for a research trip within one month of the end of the trip.

  1. The grant recipient undertakes to disseminate the results and publications of research supported by the grant to the Church Institute for Research and Advanced Training.

  1. The grant must be used during the year for which it is awarded. Without separate agreement the grant will no longer be available to the recipient after the year following the its award. The grant recipient may be required to repay the grant if it has not been used for the purposes for which it was awarded.

Valid from the 1 of June 2022