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The Church Institute for Research and Advanced Training is an independent unit operating under the Director General of the National Church Council. The offices of the Institute are located in Helsinki and Järvenpää. In addition to the Director, the current research personnel includes three Researchers, the Research Coordinator, the Statistician and the Publications Coordinator. The activities of the Church Institute for Research and Advanced Training are supported by the Advisory Board appointed by the general assembly of the National Church Council.
Professor Björn Vikström (chairperson)
Vicar Tuomas Hynynen
Head of education Leena Jokinen
Researcher Raili Keränen-Pantsu
Diocese secretary Mirva Kuikka
Pastor, executive director Kati Pirttimaa
Professor emerita Arja Ropo
Professor, dosentti Arto O. Salonen
Dean of diocese Terhi Törmä
Principal lecturer Olli Vesterinen