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We provide statistics to support the decision-making and development of activities within the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. The Institute is responsible for the contents of the statistics. They are based on the statistics and registry data concerning the activities and membership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, on Statistics Finland’s statistics, and on surveys concerning values and religiosity among the Finnish population.
The statistics pages contain both statistics and indicators regarding various topics. The graphic visualisations will lead you quickly to the desired information.
In the visualisation library for research data and statistics you will find all interactive visualisations created by Church Research Institute (from 1.1.2022 Church Institute for Research and Advanced Training).
Our research materials are stored in the Finnish Social Science Data ArchiveThe link opens in a new tab (FSD) through which they are accessible for the purposes of research, education and studies. Remember to cite, if you use our material. You can get more specific instructions on FSD's website.