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My education includes doctoral degrees in Theology and in Social Sciences. I have served at the unit since 2007, first as a researcher and, since 2012, as the Director.
Management and development of the activities of the Church Institute for Research and Advanced Training are my main duties. This means, for instance, the planning and coordination of research projects, evaluation of manuscripts, participation in various common projects within the Church and the maintaining of contacts with various parties carrying out research.
My own special field is the sociology of religion. I’m particularly interested in the formation of communities and their rules and principles. The topic of my more recent doctoral thesis concerned the attachment and adherence to revival movements (Herätysliikkeisiin sitoutuminen ja osallistuminen, Kirkon tutkimuskeskuksen julkaisuja 113, 2010). I have also studied, among other things, voting in parish elections, Finnish religiousness, the structural reform of parishes, as well as students aiming for positions within Church offices.
Currently, I am working on materials concerning baptism, with the aim of exploring those factors that influence people’s decision to have or not to have their child baptised.
Kirkon ja kristinuskon asema Suomessa 2020–2030-luvuilla – uskontososiologinen tarkastelu. The link opens in a new tab– Iustitia 36/2019, 102–118.
Äänestysprosentin kehittyminen seurakuntavaaleissa 2000-luvulla. – Teologinen aikakauskirja 3/2018, 227–247.
Herätysliikkeet, kirkko ja yhteiskunta. (2018) – Uskontososiologia (ed. by Ketola, Martikainen & Taira). Turku: Eetos. 221–234. further information hereThe link opens in a new tab
New communities of worship: Continuities and mutations among religious organizations in Finland The link opens in a new tab(with Ketola and Martikainen). (2014) – Social Compass 61/2,153–171.
Kirkkoon sitoutumisen alueelliset erot. (2011) – Leikkauspintoja kirkon jäsenyyteenThe link opens in a new tab. Tampere: Kirkon tutkimuskeskuksen verkkojulkaisuja 35. 5–39.
Herätysliikkeet 2000-luvun uskonnollisessa kentässä (Kati Niemelän kanssa). – Teologinen aikakauskirja 4/2006, 316–333.