Confirmation class is approximately six months of confirmation preparation during which the candidates participate in parish activities and reflect on questions of faith and life, both alone and together with their peers.
Finnish youth typically attend confirmation class in the year when they turn 15. In fact, well over 80% of 15-year-old Finns take confirmation class, which is voluntary.Finnish children normally start school at the age of seven. If a child has started school at the age of six, however, his or her parents can seek the vicar’s permission for the child to attend confirmation class at the age of 14, together with his or her classmates. If the family so decides, children who started school at six can attend confirmation class at the normal age, 15.Everyone is welcome at confirmation preparation: candidates who have not been baptised can be baptised during confirmation preparation, and candidates who have been baptised but have left the Church can re-join if they wish. Only members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland can be confirmed.Adults can also attend confirmation preparation. Adults can also prepare for confirmation online, at their own pace and in their own way.Confirmation preparation takes roughly six months and includes 80 hours of classes and other activities. During the preparation, candidates take part in parish activities and reflect on questions of faith and life both on their own and with their peers.Confirmation classes are available as camps, daytime classes and night classes. Because of their immense popularity, confirmation camps can be called the success story of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.Typical modern-day confirmation camps are organised at camp centres. During these camps, candidates spend their days in various activities that allow them to spend time together, engage in night-time activities and enjoy good food, music and laughter.In addition to the camp pastor and other parish employees, slightly older youth also take responsibility. Having them aboard turns most learning into peer learning. Most confirmation camps also have adult volunteers.Confirmation camps are organised by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and other Christian organisations.For more information about confirmation preparation, contact your local parish.