There is a strong tradition of pietism in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, which has succeeded in finding a home for a diversity of approaches and theological positions, giving rise to many revival movements. Their adherents belong to the Church but are also involved in their own groups to a greater or lesser extent.
The oldest active revival movements today are:
Although these movements all began as protest movements, they have found their place in the Church over time, along with the groups associated with the Fifth Revival of the mid-twentieth century.In recent times, new groups have also emerged within the Church: Hengen uudistus kirkossamme (the charismatic renewal movement), Taizen Ystävät (“Friends of Taizé”), Tuomasmessu (“The Thomas Mass”) and various retreat movements.More controversially, opposition to the ordination of women (in effect since 1988) finds strong support in some of the movements; Bible translations and the current hymnal cause some dispute; and the doctrinal positions and liturgical practices of some charismatic groups have been questioned.