Can I join?
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is committed to ecumenical dialogue and good practice as defined in the Charta Oecumenica of the Conference of European Churches. If you belong to another denomination, we would be delighted to help you find a church. We would be equally delighted to welcome you to our own services and activities, which you can attend without feeling obliged to abandon the teachings of your own tradition.
All Christians may join us without needing to be baptised again. If you are a member of one of the following churches, you may join us by making a simple declaration:
If you are a member of another denomination, you can join us by applying to your local parish. Parishes treat all applications in the strictest confidence and are happy to offer advice and assistance in everything related to the application process. Please note that dual membership is not possible unless you are a member of the Anglican churches of the Porvoo Communion.
If you are not baptised and wish to join the Church, please contact your local parish for information about baptismal preparation. We would like to emphasise that baptism is the sacrament of Christian initiation: it is the prerequisite for being a Christian rather than becoming a member of the Church, which is a secondary matter.
Membership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland brings with it both rights and responsibilities. As a Church member, you share in proclaiming the Gospel through active participation and are entitled to use all the services we offer. Your voice is assured by your right to vote in parish elections and your contribution through the church tax, which supports the Church’s work.