
Hymn singing has an honoured place in Lutheran worship, and music in general is a central feature of Finnish church life.

Every parish also hosts concerts and recitals on a regular basis. While the music at the main Sunday service is usually traditional, special services are available in a variety of musical styles, including Choral Masses, Taizé services, and Metal, Pop and Dance Masses.

Getting involved in your parish’s musical activities is a great way to get to know people. The parish cantor (church musician) often directs choirs and other musical ensembles and will be pleasantly surprised if you offer any skills you might have in the service of the parish’s musical life.

Parishes often have choirs for every age group, along with chamber choirs and smaller ensembles. You may also find music groups for young people, brass bands and even chamber orchestras.

These choirs and music groups perform at Church services, but they also give concerts and visit care homes and hospitals. To join in, contact your local parish office.

Kallion kantaattikuoro choir giving a performance.
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