Recognition of qualifications refers to a decision on the kind of qualification that can be recognised for a degree completed in another country when applying for a job or study place. Decisions are made by the authorities, educational institutions, higher education institutions and employers. In most situations, the employer, educational institution or higher education institution assesses what kind of qualifications and competences the foreign degree provides.
A decision on recognition by the Finnish National Agency for Education or another authority is needed if you wish to work in a regulated profession or position for which a certain degree is required.
Recognition of qualifications includes:
a) comparing the degree or studies completed in another country to a degree of a certain level completed in Finland. This is done by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
b) recognition of qualifications obtained by a degree or studies in a profession for which a specific education is required. As regards the qualifications required for church positions, this is done by the Church Board of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.
The National Church Council is the competent authority when a decision is needed regarding the eligibility of a degree completed in a foreign country for a post or position in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland when that position is subject to a decision on required qualifications made by the Church Council or the Bishop’s Conference. All these degree decisions include the following section on the recognition of foreign degrees and studies:
When determining the equivalence of foreign degrees and the eligibility of studies in accordance with section 11 of the Act on officeholders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (653/2023) and chapter 5, section 13 (8) of the Church order, foreign degrees and studies are compared with the studies required by this Decision.
Please follow the instructions when drawing up an application to assess whether the studies and qualifications you have completed abroad qualify for a church post in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.
Link to instructions.