The message of God’s mercy and love and of our responsibility for our neighbours is universal: it knows no boundaries between countries, regions or people.Because of the universality of the message, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland practices international responsibility by, for example,
Our mission has spread God’s love in words and deeds across the world for 150 years. The work began in Africa, in the northern parts of Namibia, and we are now engaged in missionary work on all continents.International aid activities help the most vulnerable of the world’s people. Emergency aid, development cooperation and advocacy change the lives of millions and give them a better chance to cope in challenging circumstances.The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland wants to be an ecumenically open and active church: we want to promote the union and unity of Christians and Christian churches. To achieve this, we discuss the basic tenents of Christian faith and promote practical collaboration between churches. In addition to official ecumenical collaboration, ecumenism is also strong in the everyday encounters in our parishes and dioceses and in the actions of both individuals and organisations. Our international dimension also encompasses scholarship programmes and travel allowances.Interfaith dialogue aims to foster relationships and understanding among members of different religions. This work is carried out on several levels: in everyday interactions, in dialogue between religious leaders and in the collaboration to overcome challenges.The Church’s ministry to Finns abroad has been in action since 1929. The local ministries are open communities that welcome every Finn abroad to their activities – expatriate or tourist.Twin parish work is international cooperation at the grassroots level.
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