The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is committed to responsible investment. As of 2008, the Church Pension Fund complies with the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and built its responsible investment activities around these principles.
The Church Pension Fund’s guidelines for responsible investing were updated in June 2014. In addition to steering the fund’s work, these guidelines serve as an example for parishes and other investment entities within the sphere of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.The Church Pension Fund applies several different approaches to responsible investing and combines them in different ways. The approaches are not mutually exclusive, but instead look at the issue from different angles.
The Church Pension Fund’s responsible investment approaches include responsibility analysis, active ownership and engagement, and impact investing.
Established in 1991, the Church Pension Fund is a restricted fund intended to ensure payment of Church employee pensions and to balance the future development of the parish pension payments. The Pension Fund uses external asset managers in its investment management.Church Pension Fund’s Guidelines for Responsible Investment