
Use of cookies on websites

Cookies are used to ensure that the service is safe, efficient and user-friendly.

Cookie is the website’s small text file that you send and store on your own computer. Cookies do not damage users’ computers or files. The user cannot be identified by our cookies. Some cookies are third-party cookies. The site calculates as cookies http cookies as well as local storage and session storage data and, for example, tracking pixels.

This document describes the cookies we use and their operation as well as the user’s chances to influence.

This document was last edited on 15 December 2023.

Analytics cookies

We use Matomo analytics maintained by ourselves on our site to avoid personalizing users. We use this information to improve the functionality of the site and explore what kind of activities our visitors are interested in, what types of activities are overshadowed, and what functions are difficult to find for the users.

Based on analytical data, we make decisions on how to further develop the website and utilise the information gathered to assist design in order to develop an ever better service.

Use of Matomo analytics is based on monitoring and developing the functionality and performance of the website. We also compile statistics on usage volumes and how well our new features are found and how smoothly they will be implemented. User behaviour is associated with an anonymous ClientID record which is stored on the user’s master device as a first-party cookie. It is used to identify people who visit the site repeatedly. The IP is anonymised before it is stored in the software database.

In addition to this basic observation, it also stores how different content is downloaded and used and from which service the user landed on the page. This information is used to improve and maintain the service and to record and measure user numbers in different situations.

Functional cookies

Functional cookies enable normal use of the site. These allow the browser to recognize, for example, the language selected by the user and to offer the chatbox to the user on a page where the chatbox is used. This is how we make sure that it makes sense to use the site.

Cookies for advertising/social media embedding

We also use iFrame embedding for social media pages, news flows and updates when sharing information about events and current issues. These are third-party services, and plugins to these services are downloaded from the services’ own servers.

These embeddings typically use their own cookies to analyse users and provide targeted advertising to users.

Therefore, these embeddings will only work if the user has allowed social media cookies to be used on the site. Otherwise, the user will see a banner over the embedding that prevents the embedding from working and requests the associated cookies be allowed.

Cookies from these service providers may change, so as a rule, we try to restrict cookies from the service providers before they affect the site.


Facebook can use these cookies to identify a user if the site contains content embedded in Facebook and the user has allowed cookies for advertising.

More information about cookies used by Facebook

X (Twitter)

X (Twitter) can use these cookies to identify a user if the site contains content embedded in Twitter and the user has allowed cookies for advertising.

More information about cookies used by X/Twitter


Youtube can use its cookies to identify a user if the site contains content embedded in youtube and the user has allowed cookies for advertising.

More detailed information about YouTube cookies

User’s chance to influence

The user can influence the behaviour of cookies that collect personal information. The user gives their consent through a pop-up window. They can change their consent by clicking the “open cookie settings” button at the bottom of the page and changing their choice.

If the user has accepted the cookies for advertising, it is also possible that there are immersions on the page that offer personalising cookies. If the user has not accepted the advertising cookies, we will prevent them from spreading by preventing the download of iframes embedded material to the site. In this case, the embedded content will not appear, but a banner will appear that asks you to accept your advertising cookies and provides a link to see the content if the user wants to see it, but does not want the cookies to upload to the site they are using.

Cookie downloads can also be controlled in browser settings, which affect all sites. According to Traficom’s instructions, it is also possible for the user to control personalising cookies that operate on this website.

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